Friday 6 January 2012


I am going to Africa. 

Tomorrow I am going to Malawi to spend six weeks at Mulanje Mission Hospital for my final year medical elective with my good buddy Alicia.


I will be in Africa for two whole months. In a way that's a really short amount of time in which to experience a new place and a new way of life. But it's also a very long time. Having only just arrived home from the Kimberley I'm really enjoying the comfort of familiar people and places. Planning this trip has been hectic- especially this week with flights being cancelled and new flights being purchased. But we are all sorted now, and (God willing) will arrive in the city of Blantyre, Malawi on Sunday afternoon.

About Malawi.

Malawi is a small country in South-Eastern Africa, situated on Lake Malawi, with the rift valley running through the country north to south.

There are about 15 000 000 people, with 80% being Christian.

It is one of the least developed countries in the world, with the economy based mostly on rural agriculture.

The life expectancy in Malawi is 51.7 years.

510 women die during childbirth per 100 000 live births and,
81.04 infants die per 100 000 live births

11% of the population live with HIV/AIDS

6.2% of GDP is spent on health care (that's $50 a person).

And there is not even close to one doctor per 1000 people in the country (0.019 to be exact).

If you compare this to Australia, it really puts it into perspective. 

Our life expectancy is 81.81 years.
Only 8 women in 100 000 will die during childbirth and, 
only 4 infants die in 100 000 live births.
0.1% of Australians live with HIV/AIDS.
$3, 382 is spent on health care per person.
And there are almost 3 whole doctors per 1000 people. 

Despite some of these dire statistics, Malawi is apparently a pretty awesome place. It's nicknamed "the warm heart of Africa" for its kind and friendly people, and has some of the most beautiful and untouched pieces of land on earth. 


I hope to keep this blog updated while I am away so I can keep in touch with everyone, and so you know what to pray about for me! Right now the biggest thing is praying we are able to get a bunch of medical supplies we are taking on all our flights (preferably as free extra weight!) and through customs, and that we get to Blantyre safely with no more flight cancellations!

I'm back on March 5th, so I'll see you then. But please keep in touch while I'm away - hopefully I will have regular internet access.

PS. if you happen to see my Mum while I'm away, please give her a hug for me and tell her I'll be home soon.

love cy


  1. CY!!! Headed to the heartland.
    I'm so happy for you to have this experience, but I'm also ecstatic for the people of Malawi to get to experience you.
    Have a spectacular time - I can't wait to hear about it.
    Will be praying for you daily.
    Love you!

  2. PS I'm the first one to comment on your blog. Definitely means I'm your coolest friend.
    Just sayin'.

  3. ...of course...rick ALWAYS has to be first! i'm not sayin'....just sayin'
